
This class is a high endurance class, they commonly are “tanks”, the ones that taunts mobs to hit them instead of other party members. They could build based on vitality (very high HP and Physical Defense. The tank) or in Strength (the damage dealer). Even though meant to be more PVE based, the defender can be deadly in PVP with a Str Build and the use of the skill Fixation. The Defender is not as popular as the Guardian because of its less destructive array of skills (and because of he popularity of Dex Guard Build), but people recognize their great potential.

Defenders can be built as the ultimate tank, consisting of 3 vit 1 str, or the opposite for massive damage dealing with 3 str 1 vit. Using the skill fixation, a 3 str 1 vit built defender can hit well over 1,000 damage in around lvl 70 pvp (both defender and foe in their 70's). For all purpose Defender start with base attribute of 2 str 2 vit for every even numbers of lvl and 2 hp 2 vit for every uneven lvl till lvl 30. Then 3 str 1 vit throughout.

Defender Level 50+ Skills:

  • 1. Buff that increases the damage of 1H maces. Apparently can be used on others.
  • 2. Skill that decreases the target's MP depending on the damage dealt.
  • 3. Buff that increases the defense of Shields. Apparently can be used on others.
  • 4. Party only skill. Forces the surrounding monsters to attack the caster.
  • 5. Self Buff that increases the caster's Vitality.
  • 6. Skill that reduces the physical defense ability of all enemies within a certain distance.
  • 7. Party Toggle that increases MP regeneration.
  • 8. Attack Skill that does damage based on Strength. Also decreases movement speed.
  • 9. Self Buff that prevents the caster from moving in exchange of an increase in damage. Only applicable to 1H Maces.
  • 10. Party Toggle that increases HP regeneration.
  • 11. Skill that has the user rush at the target and stun it.
  • 12. Buff that allows the player to receive the damage that a designated party member takes instead.
  • 13. Party Toggle that increases physical defense.
  • 14. Skill that stuns a certain number of things within a certain distance(Area of Effect stun skill).
  • 15. Buff that puts a designated party member into invincible mode, stun condition removed(I think) and hate is reseted.
  • 16. Party Toggle that increases Physical, Long Range, and Magic Attack power.
  • 17. Area of effect attack skill that also pushes back the enemies.
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