Half Elf

Offspring of Human and Elf, these forest-dwellers are masters of ranged combat. Be it bow or arrow or mechanical crossbow, their proficiency is unmatched.

Half Elf - Archer Starting Stats

From levels 2 - 49 you'll gain 4 AAP (Additional Attribute Points) per level up that can be used to increase your characters different stats, at levels 51 - 70 you'll gain 6 AAP per level and at levels 71-99 you'll gain 8 AAP per level.

Half Elf - Archer Level 1 to 50 Skills

  • 1. Fire imbue. Toggle. Increases fire attribute attack and fire attribute defense. Gives your attacks a chance of absorbing part of the damage as HP.
  • 2. Ice imbue. Toggle. Increases ice attribute attack and ice attribute defense. Gives your attacks a chance of decreasing the target's movement speed.
  • 3. Dark imbue. Toggle. Increases dark attribute attack and dark attribute defense. Gives your attacks a chance of decreasing the target's attack speed.
  • 4. Divine imbue. Toggle. Increases divine attribute attack and divine attribute defense. Gives your attacks a chance of absorbing part of the damage as MP.
  • 5. Attack skill.
  • 6. Self buff that increases your range.
  • 7. Self buff that increases the damage of your arrows.
  • 8. Self buff that gives #5 a chance of decreasing that target's movement speed.
  • 9. Attack skill that causes bleeding. Damage is dependent of the user's long-range attack stat.
  • 10. Buff that increases Dexterity. Can be used on others.
  • 11. I love the animation for this skill. You kick the target for a chance of stunning them.
  • 12. Attack skill that decreases the target's movement speed.
  • 13. Attack skill that decreases the target's Strength.
  • 14. Self buff that increases the damage your critical hits do based on your Dexterity.
  • 15. Self buff that increases movement speed.
  • 16. Buff that increases evasion. Can be used on others.
  • 17. Attack skill that can hold the target in place.
  • 18. Attack skill that hits twice.

The Half Elves's main stats are:
* Dexterity: which increases Ranged Attack, and accuracy
* Vitality: which increases max HP, HP Recovery, Physical Defend, Weight.
* Agility: Increases agility/dodge

Half Elf Gear
The Half Elves use crossbows and bows for long range pwnage. Crossbows deal great damage, but each shot is slower to hit. The bow hits low damage continuously. Half Elves are good at PvE, and also PvP

Level 50+ 2nd Job
Ranger - Well versed on the crossbow, Rangers dominate their opponents with swift and precise arrow and dagger attacks.

Scout - Masters of multi-targeting with their bows and magic, they often choose to fight all enemies at once rather then one at a time.

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