

Every player gets to PvP when they reach level 30. If you kill someone, your name appears in their vengeance list which is located on the top left of your screen, near your character information.

It records the name of whoever killed you, and you get ONE chance to teleport to an area near them (with a party) for revenge. Even if you fail in exacting your vengeance, you can NOT teleport back again to that person.


Dhans start the game in a red name, but there is a NPC, the Persona Switch Agent, that can help you switch between the Assassination Mode (Character Name in Red) and the Peace Mode (Character Name in White). This process is free while you are below level 30. It cost 300 thousand crones for level 30-50 character to make the switch and 500 thousand crones applicable on level 50-100 for this service.

The Dekans also start off with a red name, if these 'dark' races are in their assassination mode, they may not join a party, be buffed by anyone or even be healed by other players.

Town Guards will not attack a red name, as long as you have only killed one person. Town guards will also kill anyone in they're range attempting to pk, as in they're name is purple

Any Race can have a red name after pking ten people. The maximum time you can be in red name is also only TEN hours. Without much of a penalty, you are allowed to PK once, however your name turns pink and anyone can attack you without penalty.

Basically the more people you kill the longer you have to wait. As I have stated above, the maximum is only ten hours, if you have killed more than that already, it wont extend your time waiting in a safe zone. Unless you have already waited for a while.

Hit List

Hit list/Vengeance is a system exclusive to R.O.H.A.N. enabling you to keep track of your PVP battle outcomes and avenge yourself. The Hit list records 50 battles you have engaged in and their respective opponents and outcomes. If you have been killed in an arbitrary PVP, or was killed under circumstances you deem unfair, you can verify the log in status of the corresponding player, and via Vengeance, teleport to that player and be afforded a rematch. You will need the help of a player at an advanced level to execute reprisal on a player at an advanced level hence you are afforded an opportunity to form a party and teleport collectively. Vengeance grants one opportunity for avenging yourself against your killer recorded in the Hit list, and via Vengeance Charge NPCs stationed in each town, one additional opportunity is afforded by charging Vengeance points.

Each character is allotted one PVP opportunity for every 3 hours of playtime.


You will be summoned to your killer by clicking on the axe icon next to the player ID displayed on the Hit list.

  • Using Vengeance for the first time will inactivate the icon, and paying a set fee to each town's recall charge NPC will activate the icon for one Vengeance session.
  • Party transport and summons is contingent upon consent of party members. Summons is not available if the opposing player is logged out or in a Safe Zone.


-Rohan has a unique system of leveling via PK, Dekans and Dhans, otherwise known as the dark races, can change to Assassination mode and PK for exp. The other, 'white' races, can also gain exp and/or items via PKing these races while they are in Assassination mode.

-Starting at level 20, if you die you may lose, experience and/or equipment. If you have been pking people recently, once you die, the probability of you dropping items greatly increases and the amount of exp lost upon death raises.

-Experiences losses vary from 0-3%

-If you PK ten times, your name will turn red, GREATLY increases chances of dropping something when killed. When your name is red chances also increase that you will drop one of your equipted items, which doesnt happen normally.Also players have no penalty for killing you. You are consider, a monster just like any other. When your name is red, you will have to wait 10 hours before your name is normal again.

-You can reduce the time your name is red, by paying a fee to a NPC in town (UPDATE??)

-Your damage is reduced to 1/3 in PvP.
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