Strength build: This uses 3:1 Strength:Vitality build adding Dexterity every five levels. Their principal damage remains on their melee attack and critical damage impulsed by strength, but its important to say this build doesn't have extreme critical like Agi build, but better base damage. Predators are more PVE based as their trap skills might be useful to parties. Even so, they are a very disposable class in parties. Combined with the fact that Avengers have sneakier deadly skills, the Predator class is much less popular than its counterpart. Having said so, this doesn't mean that it fails. One who knows how to build a Predator can make it a deadly killer.
Predator Level 50+ Skills:

- 1. Skill that releases the user from Root and Stun statuses.
- 2. Skill that does damage based on level and decreases evasion.
- 3. Self Buff that increases the damage of Katars.
- 4. Self Buff that allow the caster to use Hide-only skills even if not hidden.
- 5. Skill that reveals hidden players and monsters around the caster for some time.
- 6. Toggle that allows the player to see chests in the mini map.
- 7. Trap that decreases defense.
- 8. Skill that seals the target within a barrier. Unusable on monsters.
- 9. Trap that can constantly heal party members.
- 10. Trap with a chance of constantly stunning.
- 11. Trap that deals continuous damage to a random object.
- 12. Trap that constantly does damage.
- 13. Skill that gives the player a chance of staying hidden when attacking.
- 14. Skill that switches the target's Long Range Attack Power with their Short Range Attack Power. Unusable on monsters.
- 15. Skill that deals continuous damage to named monsters and boss monsters. Damage is based on Strength and Vitality.
- 16. Buff that increases the player's level, allowing them to equip higher-level equipment and do higher-level quests. Can be used on others.
- 17. Self Buff that decreases experience lost on death.
- 18. Skill that damages objects in a straight line and poisons them.
- 19. Skill that hides all party members(ambush!!)