Del Lagos | Einhoren

Is the Human Kingdom priding a vast territory surrounded by a beautiful and infinite lake with warm climate and abundant crops. Across the lake past the blessed Abundant Plains with the capital Einhoren at the center stands Trichia Seminary, the symbol of Human faith, along with Juba's Waterclock, the product of interracial diplomacy.

In the north is Traitor's Guillotine, where the criminals of Del Lagos were executed, and the obsolete Paladin Hall of Fame stands guard at the lush eastern terrain.

Einhoren (Human Town)

The human race of Rohan Continent naturally converged around Einhoren, endowed with pleasant climate and abundant natural resources, and forged a settlement.

With the passing of time, Einhoren gradually takes shape as the Human capital. The grand temple for worshipping Roha, and the training facility for paladins, the central army, are located in the capital, and critical national decisions are reached upon discussion between the grand prophet and the king. Einhoren is bisected into two large regions: the village, a residential district for commoners, and the royal palace quarter for the royalty and aristocracy which can be reached only by traversing a bridge erected in the village. Both zones are surrounded by a high city wall designed to ward off invasion.

NPC Name NPC Description Location
Adam Master Shield Smith J, 5
Alfredo Einhoren Treasurer G, 4
Altman Ranged Weapon Merchant I, 7
Amy Caroline’s Daughter J, 6
Angus Master Weapon Smith I, 5
Aramina Alchemist of Darkness I, 5
Augusti Einhoren Consignment Dealer E, 3
Badius Einhoren Consignment Dealer F, 2
Benedicto Cathedral Custodian D, 7
Braams Guild Treasurer G, 8
Buccalo Vengeance Dealer G, 5
Burnett Status Refiner G, 5
Caroline Tavern Host J, 6
Clare Melee Weapon Merchant I, 5
Everard Magic Weapon Merchant G, 7
Fers Hahnt Einhoren Head Guard D, 5
Frank Vegetable Peddler J, 5
Godrich Haysbert Einhoren General A, 6
Harold Armor Merchant J, 5
Hemish Drifter G, 7
Heroth Level Refiner J, 5
Hugo Liefriss Township Battle Mediator H, 6
Humphrey Souvenir Collector I, 8
Istvan Baileys Del Lagos Captain of Paladins B, 7
Izaak Pet Merchant H, 5
Johannes Master Armor Smith J, 4
Jude Fishing Hole Gatekeeper J, 6
Margare Baker G, 7
Nennio Saundries Merchant J, 7
Oswald Mount Merchant J, 4
Pablo Alchemist J, 7
Patrick City Guard B, 7
Rihit Del Lagos King of Del Lagos B, 7
Rosaline Einhoren East Gate Guard Einhoren East Exit Bindstone
Theresia Giving Mother J, 6
Timothy Master Weapon Smith H, 8
Vagan Drunkard J, 6
Vanessa Style Shop Manager I, 7
Virgil Novice I, 7
Walter Retired Knight G, 7
William City Guard B, 7
Winebaldus Einhoren Guild Trustee G, 4

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